Question tags: Cümlenin zamanına uygun yardımcı fiil ve cümlenin öznesine uygun sahış zamiri getirilerek cümlenin sonuna eklenen sorulardır.
………… aux. verb + ?
tense → aux.verb (+) clause → (-) tag question
subject → aux.verb (-) clause →(+)tag question
- Positive sentences → negative question tag ?
Cümle olumluysa, question tag olumsuzdur.
Örnek: Hakan works at a bank, doesn’t he ?
- Negative sentences → positive question ?
Cümle olumsuzsa, question tag olumludur.
Örnek: You don’t like spinach,do you?
- She is staying at a bed & breakfast, isn’t she ?
1. Simple Past (Geçmiş Zaman):
- You weren’t offended by what she said, were you?
- You raised this point at the meeting, didn’t you?
- He used to smoke a lot until last year, didn’he?
You didn't go to school, did you ?
- Yes ( I went )
No ( I didn't )
2. Present Perfect:
- He hasn’t yielded to pressure, has he?
- John has been working for Microsoft since he graduated from the university, hasn’t he?
3. Past Perfect:
- They had given a party before their parents returned, hadn’t they?
4. Modals:
- Derya can cope with this situation, can’t she?
- Jane would like to get a scholarship, wouldn’t she?
- She had better clean her room, hadn’t she?
- You will help me, won’t you?
- You didn’t go to school, did you?
- No, I didn't ( I didn’t go)
- Yes, I did ( I went)
- He would rather live in a house than a flat , wouldn'`t he ?
- You weren't offended , were you ?
- He will help us, won't he ?
A ) Subject __ one, body = they?
Everyone likes ice-cream, don’t they?
Everyone is here , aren`t they ?
Everybody was upset with the decision, weren’t they?
Somebody is calling me, aren’t they?
Nobody wants to be poor, do they?
Nobody objected to the plan, did they?
B) Subject __ thing = it
Something must be done right away, mustn’t it?
Nothing has been done yet, has it?
Nothing compares to you, does it?
Everything is okey, isn`t it?
C) Neither, no, no one, nobody, seldom, barely, scarcely, hardly ever, never__question tag/positive
Neither of your parents approve of your marriage, do they?
Nothing compares to you ,does it ?
You hardly ever participate in such events , do you ?
None of them made a complaint , did they?
He never acts like a gentleman, does he?
D) There is/are/was/were/has been__ ........ Taq guestion : There?
There used to be a cinema here five years ago, didn’t there?
There isn’t any sugar in my tea, is there?
There won` t be too many people at the party, will there?
E) Imperatives: taq guestion __ will you?
Don’t make any noise, will you?
Mind the traffic, will you?
Hold on a second, will you ?
F) Let’s __ shall we?
Let’s meet where the continents meet, shall we?
Let’s move on, shall we ?
Let`s have a break , shall we ?
G) Introductory Phrases ( giriş cümleleri )
I think , I’m afraid , I believe , I suspect , I’m certain , I’m sure , I imagine , I suppose , I hope , As far as I remember
* Cümle bunlarla başlarsa question tag bunlardan sonra gelen cümleye göre yapılır.Yani ikinci tarafa gore yapılır.
I think he’s in love with her, isn’t he ?
I hope he will be the champion, won’t he ?
I’m certain everyone has been trained to deal with rude customer, haven’t they ?
4 Aralık 2012 Salı
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